Always efficient, safe, and sustainable laminates.

Cellcomb Special Projects

Customized solutions that focus on barrier protection and absorption.

Are you searching for an absorption solution that’s green and easy to recycle after use? Or are you in the need of a protective bio-barrier in between materials – with a low environmental impact as well as being hygienically safe?

Cellcomb has a long experience in developing client-specific solutions aimed at facing challenges within absorption and protective barriers.

The food industry and health care are two areas we’ve supplied products to for many years which means that we are aware of their demands regarding hygiene, safety and being efficient to handle. Thanks to our own development unit and production facility, we are in full control of our solutions all the way to finished products.

We are specialized in lamination and converting. Our competence and flexibility enable unique customizations where our eco-friendly materials are optimized depending on our client’s needs which also creates new possibilities.

This is where our Special Projects enter the arena.

Let’s discuss your specific goals, requirements and how we can cater for your needs. The possibilities are endless.

Please contact us for more information!

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